Yesterday was the kind of day that makes you never want to leave Virginia. The temperature was cool, the wind was just enough to toss your hair lightly, and the golfers were spaced far enough a part that the terrier didn't become hoarse from barking. This was Virginia's way of saying...don't leave me!!! It felt comforting and relaxing to be able to throw open the patio door and let the cool summer air in the house (this involved ignoring the tufts of dog/cat hair that the wind would toss about). I was able to steal a few minutes away from packing to sit on the back porch (on the step mind you, because I have packed the patio furniture) and enjoy the last cool summer Virginia day I will probably experience before the move.
The good doctor landed uneventfully in New Mexico to only have to wait an hour and a half in the airport to be picked up. Lesson learned: set a time to be picked up, never agree to call someone when you arrive. Unless of course you like the sight of weary travel ladened people dragging screaming kids through the airport. She was safely deposited on the campus of the University of New Mexico where she will spend the next two weeks completing her Kodaly certification (some music jizz that I don't understand...I agree not to talk counseling lingo to her and she doesn't talk music jizz to me!). As I told my mother last night, I actually prefer her being away for Part Deux of the epic move. This allows me to go into planning overload and finish the task at hand without being distracted.
My little sister and I spent father's day with my dad, on his porch, with a bucket of KFC. Nothing like a ghetto father's day to say, "Thanks for taking a week to drive across the country with me dad...". So for my dad...I leave a bucket of chicken as I get back to packing!
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