A lot has changed in the few months (9???) since I stopped writing in this blog. My intent when I started writing a year ago was to catalog my adventures West (with hopes of one day selling them as a cracked up memoir of such). However, life took over, school started, and nine months later here we sit in a completely different place then intended. When we left Virginia for Oklahoma last year, my intent was to begin school in the fall to fulfill requirements toward pharmacy school. And, I did just that. I took 18 credit hours of Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, and Physics. And, if I do say so myself, I kicked ass. However, I quickly realized that commuting two hours a day, working my ass off, and being poor was not what I wanted at 31 years old. So, at the end of the spring semester I ditched school (farewell freshman biology) and decided to return to the working world. I have always been a firm believer that things happen for a reason. After I made the decision to leave school I began scurrying to find a job. I applied for mental health positions, teaching (subbing) positions, and even considered waitressing. We were not desperate money but I was desperate for some sort of stimulus.
I applied for a job one evening at about 1:00 am out of pure desperation. There was an add in the local Republican (YEE HAW!) paper advertising an education position with the United Way. They were looking for someone with a master's, experience in education, and non-profit experience. Figuring that I had two out of the three I sent my resume to the e-mail address listed. I was called early the next morning for an interview and told that this was the last day they were interviewing. I quickly gathered myself and my belongings and tried to fake non-profit experience (RFP's...sure, I've written those (NOT!), grants...tons of experience...NOT!). The interview process went extremely well (or at least I would like to think it did), but I was competing against twelve other people for this position. For the second interview I was given a scenario that I had to research and present an idea on. I pulled out all the stops...flashy powerpoint, colorful presentation packet, winning smile. Needless to say, they called me two hours after my second interview and offered me the position.
I have been working for the United Way since February 16. I have learned more than I ever though possible. In three short months I have formed committees, been interviewed for TV, participated in the writing of both a 2.6 and 20 million dollar grant, and formed incredible connections with people. This job is a blessing because I am allowed to be incredibly creative and advocate for education.
While it may seem that I have given up on my dreams of further education...nothing could be further from the truth. My position at the United Way is flexible enough that I can attend school to work toward a PhD. Next fall I will start classes at Texas Woman's University for a PhD in school psychology. This program will allow me to combine my teaching and counseling background into one profession (praise JESUS!). The program is five years and will conclude with a dissertation. I am excited, pumped, and ready to finally work toward a terminal degree.
Another big change is that Susan and I moved from Lawton, Oklahoma to Wichita Falls, Texas. Once I accepted the position with the United Way we both agreed that there was zero point in staying in Lawton. Lawton is 65 miles from the college and we were spending upwards on $400 a month in gas. In my spiffy (neurotic??) fashion I found us a house within four days. We are now living five minutes from the university and five minutes from the United Way. BLISS!!! Our house is a little over 2000 sq ft, newly remodeled, and most importantly...it has a pool. We decided to rent because we are very truly uncertain of how long we will be in Texas. And, with the housing market in its current state (hello...you can buy a house in the good section of Wichita Falls for 80k) we don't want to be responsible for selling a home. So, for now we are content paying someone else's mortgage, knowing we could walk away if need be, while floating in the pool.
Like usual...this whole journal entry has been about me...but least we forget, SUSAN! She has set the world a fire down here in Texas. She has met the music department head on with higher standards, academic integrity, and more energy than anyone knew she possessed. She has completed her first year as a professor, had to give her first F, and started a brand new graduate program. Her dedication is truly unmatched!!!
Now that I am back and blogging I will be sure to update with pictures of our adventures. We are headed to the Texas coast in a week and have a trip to Colorado planned. Also...if you are good...there will a pictorial essay of Wichita Falls posted!
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